About C-Squared Sewing

I am so glad you are here! My name is Caitlyn Carstens and I own C-Squared Sewing! Everything behind C-Squared Sewing is done by me, myself, and I! 

I started sewing when I was in junior high during a class that was called Food Sew Fun where we learned to sew simple things, like pillowcases. Then a few years later, I was at a friends house, and she loves to sew! She took me to her sewing room and showed me all of her cool gadgets! I instantly fell in love with her serger! I couldn't believe there was a machine that cut the fabric as you sew! That day she showed me how to use and and I sewed my first garment (a pair of underwear). Since that day, I have found and grew a love for sewing garments and decided to turn it into a business! 


A few years after getting into sewing, I couldn't find what I was looking for in my own wedding dress, so I took it upon myself to make one! It took me about 3 hours to cut it and sew it, and it was the dress of my dreams! I loved it so much, and got so many compliments on it on the day of my wedding! My favorite part was when someone would comment on it, that I got to say "Thanks, I made it"! 


2 years after my husband and I got married, we found out we were pregnant with twin boys! I knew that I wanted them to have a "mama made" wardrobe, so I got to work! I started to show people what I was making for them, and they told me that I should start to sell my work! 

When my twin boys were about 4 months old, I really dove into it head first, and began sewing for work! I now get to stay home with my 9 month old twin boys and be with them through all of their firsts because I have this wonderful business that I am running for my family! It's also a bonus that I get to have so many amazing customers that have turned into family, and get to be creative and make outfits for your family to enjoy as well! 

Here at C-Squared Sewing I focus on one thing: longevity! When you buy my handmade clothing items, I can guarantee that any of my products will last so much longer than anything you might buy from a big box store! Not only do I include features in my handmade clothes that allow your child to fit in it for months on end, but I also make sure that I use quality fabric, that is sure to last through any conditions that your little one could put it through!